Let me see the sun again,
I feel my body just in pain.
Go get me out from this fierce darkness,
Help me out of the void of nothingness,
The time is now to see your brightness…
Or am I just a naive puppet,
Repulsive to the entire world?
Slopes! I’m rolling down on them,
Have I reached the bottom of hell?
Absent from life, absent from light…
Down we go into the fearful night,
Oh… come on just pull me out of it!
Well, or I could just die, excruciating and forfeit…
Or am I just an angel,
Recreated after Lucifer?
Love me in my shadow,
I will also love you in your light!
Golden as a star, bring me back up,
Help me find a dazzling flame that will spark,
Then the devilish darkness will fire up!
by Răzvan Chițea

'antithesis' by Georgiana Calin