Shall I compare you to an autumn’s day?
Your love is colorful as fallen leaves.
Since I met you my days stopped being gray
And in your absence my heart always grieves.
The moment I first laid my eyes on you,
I knew you were the one to steal my heart.
The smile you showed me, oh, you have no clue…
It could easily tear the world apart.
How do I love you? like autumn loves gold,
Like fog loves the rain and people to play.
With my love for you I can bear all cold;
This sentiment will never go away.
Reasons to love you? Let me count the stars.
They won’t ever describe this love of ours.

Alexia Andraş
Luca Maria Brătăşanu
Ioana Claudia Dorobanţu
Clarissa Benedetta Eparu
Amalia Maria Enache
Maria Ficard
David Ovidiu Iliescu
Ana Margin
Miruna Maria Mihăilă
- cls. a IX-a F