A grim touch traces desire
On some body’s naked skin
Following a rosy relic
That no eyes were meant to see
And the tip of it yields more
Than the tremble underneath,
It keeps creeping, poking, dragging
Its frail nails perfectly in.
With its eyes, empty it follows
The strange presence on its skin
Drab and dull, choked up and blue
Cursing veins, making them bleed.
And it feels no pain at all
As the claws dig deeper in;
Its own hands are searching madly
For that flushed relic within.
But my heart pumps darkened venom
Numbing down this ghastly skin
This body belongs to no one
Maybe not even to me.
Marina Maria, clasa a XII-a B

Alisia Andreea Vlad - „Pietà Occulta” (desen în creion)
Frumos e putin spus!
Si poemul...si desenul!